Friday, February 17, 2012

Kyushu Oranges and Sumo Oranges

I realized that I have a thing for tiny citrus fruit. I think kumquats are adorable and am always tempted to buy them, even though I won't use them for anything. So when I saw Kyushu oranges, I had to get some. Just two. They were so cute.

It's so tiny!

Just look at that little orange section! It's barely larger than my thumb nail! And that was the biggest section.

It was also delicious.

Then there were the Sumo oranges. A combination of Satsuma mandarins and oranges, these are the best oranges I've ever had. Basically, imagine the perfect orange and that's what all Sumo's taste like.

The Sumo is about the size of a normal orange, and the Kyushu is so small compared to it!

I love tiny citrus fruits...

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